domingo, junio 26, 2005

Marriage and catholics

Lo siguiente es mi traducción personal del español al inglés de un texto que he recibido como cadena reenviada de emails, en relación con el matrimonio entre homosexuales, extraído de Psicofonías: Blog de Allan Psicobyte (de aquí para ser más exactos). Lo reproduzco en inglés para que la reflexión pueda ser exportada y entendida por otros hablantes, con motivo de las reivindicaciones demandadas ahora también en otros países europeos.

The following is my personal translation from spanish into english of a text that I received in form of forwarded email related to the marriage between homosexuals, extracted from Psicofonías: Blog de Allan Psicobyte (from here to be precise). I reproduce it in english so that the comment can be exported and understood by other speakers, motivated by the claims demanded now also in other european countries.

"Brought up by the actual social relevance around the modification of the spanish laws concerning marriage, and the catholics' position towards it, I'm going to explain my position here, as this is my own blog:

I am completely in favour of allowing the marriage between catholics.

It seems to me unfair and mistaken to try to prevent them doing it.

Catholicism is not a disease. Catholic people, despite of many people disliking them or finding them rare, are normal persons and must possess the same rights as other people, as if they were, for example, informatic or homosexual.

I'm quite aware that many behaviour and personality traits of catholic people can seem strange to others, like their nearly sick attitude towards sex. I asume that sometimes one could use arguments of public healthiness, like in the case of their dangerous and deliberate refusal to preservatives. I also know that many of their customs, like the public exhibition of tortured people, can make some people feel uncomfortable.

But all this, in addition of being rather a mass media image than a reality, is not a reason to prevent them the exercise of their right to marriage.

Some could argue, that a marriage between catholics is not a real marriage, because for them it's a ritual and a religious precept before their god, instead of a union between two persons. Furthermore, as having children outside the marriage is seriously condemned by the church, some could consider that allowing the catholics to marry would increase the number of marriages based on the "what would they say", or for the simple seek for sex (forbidden by their religion outside the marriage), increasing in this way the domestic violence and disorganized families. But one must bear in mind that this isn't something that happens only in catholic families, and as we cannot get into the others' mind, we shall not judge their motivations.

On the other hand, stating that this is not marriage and that it should be called somehow different, is nothing more than a bit of a vile way of steering the debate towards semantic matters that are beside the point: Even though between catholics, a marriage is a marriage, and a family is a family.

And with this mention to families, I'm going on to another burning topic about which, I hope, my opinion won't turn out too radical: I'm also in favour of allowing the catholics to adopt children.

Some people will be shocked at such a stating. Probably someone will answer with exclamations such as "Catholics adopting children? These children could become catholic!!"

I see this kind of critics and I reply: Although it's true that the sons and daughters of catholics have a much greater probability of becoming catholic themselves (the opposite that happens, for example, with informatics and homosexuality), I have already claimed that catholics are persons like the rest of the people.

In spite of someones' opinions and the indications, there are no proving evidences that catholic parents nor be worse qualified to raise a child, neither that the religiously biased familiar environment of a catholic home be a negative influence for the child.

Moreover, the adoption court judges each case individually, and its task is just to find the appropiate parents.

In short, and despite the viewpoints of some groups, I think that marriage aswell as adoption should be allowed for catholics.

Just the same as informatics and homosexuals."

Salvo error u omisión.
ewazoo - mxpresso